
Usually refers to osteoarthritis, a process of degenerative change in the joints on a background of joint ‘wear and tear’, where the joints are ‘wearing out’ from repeated use, with loss of cartilage and bone changes.

Causes & Treatment

Many factors play a role, including intensity and duration of manual work, previous trauma, ethnicity, sex and familial tendency. Symptoms include pain and stiffness, as well as localised swelling. Joints can become deformed, resulting in hard swellings and crooked fingers and wrists.

Xray findings commonly reveal joint space loss, osteophytes (bone spurs), bone remodelling and cysts formation. Treatment is tailored to each individual case and may be conservative or surgical. Surgical procedures include denervation (removing the minute nerve endings to the joint involved), joint replacement, and joint fusion.

Patrick Goon Wrist & Hand Surgeon based in Hertfordshire

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Mr Patrick Goon Specialist Hand & Wrist Surgeon in Hertfordshire